

The most im­port­ant thing first. The mas­ter­batches can be pro­cessed per­fectly on con­ven­tion­al plastic pro­cessing equip­ment without any ad­di­tion­al ef­fort.

Dye or pig­ments can be pro­cessed as col­or­ants in the mas­ter­batches. Dyes are present in plastics "mo­lecu­larly dis­solved", pig­ments are present as finely dis­trib­uted, very small particles.

Dyes offer the ad­vant­age of easi­er ex­tract­ab­il­ity in high-qual­ity re­cyc­ling, but may re­quire a suit­able product design to avoid un­in­ten­tion­al mi­gra­tion in the ap­plic­a­tion.

Pig­ments show no tend­ency to mi­grate even in poly­ol­efins, so product designs can re­main un­changed. For de­col­or­isa­tion, fur­ther ad­dit­ives are added to the mas­ter­batch, which make de­col­or­isa­tion pos­sible.

The range of dyes that can be ex­trac­ted by mod­i­fied mech­an­ic­al re­cyc­ling is very di­verse. There are re­stric­tions with re­gard to the pig­ments that can be used.

Both, for the dyes and for the pig­ments, (at least) a tri­chro­mat­ic sys­tem can be built up, so that a large color space is avail­able. We are con­stantly ex­pand­ing the list of pos­it­ively tested col­or­ants

Insights into Smart Coloring´s


The carrier materials are adapted to the application and the type of plastic.


There is really not much more to say about masterbatches.